Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Stupid Fuckers playing Race Cards

I turned the knob on the stereo a bit louder, really straining my ears to hear what the tinny voices on NPR were saying. Apparently, the good reporters of NationalPublicRadio saw fit to report on the supposed vices of Hillary Clinton. Presumably, her alleged racism accused of her by the Barack Obama camps after comments toward Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream.
It seems that the clinton campaigns are facing renewed uncertainty in the African American populace, who seem torn by whether to vote for a black president, and for the Clinton campaign which has been exceptional to people of color since its inception.
Many of the swing voters are women, which makes more sense in the conflict than men.

There was something said, however, that amuses and disgusts me at the same time. In an interview with a black woman, the stupid bitch thought aloud about what was the cause of the most of her problems. "Most of my problems are because I am of color...", she said, trying to justify a reason for voting for barack obama. Heh.

I am sick and tired of people playing the race card, as if they wanted to continue the abuse and conflict that race has played in america all these years. And fyi, I don't give a fuck if people treat you different because of your skin color. Regrettable, yes, but racist? No. Furthermore, this bitch needs to stop whining about the problems she recieves from whites and start solving them.

There's something about the problems of race in this country that makes people think they can bitch and moan about racism, and yet do any african americans go out of their way to eat thanksgiving with their white friends? Of course. Plenty of them do, and I applaud them for it. These african americans are working to break down barriers, not like the bitch who is voting for a black man because her problems come from being black.

Everybody has problems. Being treated differently because you're black is a problem no different from being treated differently because your poor. And yet a lot of african americans continue to play the race card, working themselves into a frenzy of being offended because of some off the cuff remark senator clinton made. But if you're always trying to be offended, your keeping the stereotypes alive. Many of the black community continue to prize the value of blackness, distinct from whiteness. Bullshit. Little black kids that do well in school are teased by being called "white" by their peers. As if being uneducated and poor was part of the pride of being black.

I am in awe of the stupidity of this. just solve your problems like the rest of us without calling everyone racist. And no, I'm not white.



Anonymous said...

Jose, i see that you have a rather strong opinion about this. It appears that you are defending the white people. Nonetheless, good post, but a bit one sided. Look further into why the lady said the black comment.

Asal392 said...

Hey Jose, what's up?I think that you're right to a certain point about the "race card" but you really are seeming one sided.I've been following all the stupid racist controvercy back and forth and I'm getting tired of it, it's all just bs if you ask me.I'll post later about on my opinion.

I've been trying to call you but no luck so far, are you ignoring me?Call later if you get a chance.

Egoist said...

Hey, cleef. Glad you're reading. Apparently, the black woman was torn between voting for clinton because she was a woman, or voting for obama because she was black.

But like I said, that's missing the whole point. You need to vote for the president that will be best for this country. As far as racism goes, the white community has been bending over backwards to not be labeled as "racist".(skinheads are racist though) Sure, there are still some ethnic tensions between blacks and whites, but mostly it's gotten to the point where misunderstandings are not going to be broken down by law, but by eating over thanksgiving with diversity.

So, if a black man makes a good effort to connect with others like you do lee, then I applaud him.

It's not just whites that are uncomfortable though. Blacks are just as uncomfortable around whites, yet racism is a one way street. Do you see how that needs to change?

And Hi, Sarah. Thanks for posting. looking forward to your opinion. :)
