Friday, January 18, 2008

Please Go Away...

Have a headache, right now. My brain entered a deep seated neurosis in the past three hours, and I have come to identify myself with the holy divinity of Jesus Christ. Yes, that is correct, I am god.

Not really. Perhaps one day I really will perform a nietchziean leap and become insane. For now, though, I shall content myself with shooting kittens and strangling doves. I haven't quite graduated to molesting little girls, and I don't think I will anytime soon. Don't worry, I plan to be at top form by 2009, and the song "Don't let your children walk my way" will take on a whole new meaning.

Personally, child molesters are a forgotten part of society until they actually molest a child. There's nothing wrong with that. Parental outrage is certainly a god-given right of American Citizens. That might be why they took down that banner in San Antonio advertising a showing of the Vagina Monologues. Culture and art is not the strong point of the concerned parent.

Anyways, on the riveting subject of the "Yummy Mummy" phenomenon, I can't help but think that a mother who is trying to be both a mother to her child, and also retain full control over her sexual identify is going to truly fuck up those kids. The one defense america had against oedipal tendencies, for the past two centuries, has been the overwhelmingly ugliness and sagging breast of children's mothers. Now that many moms aspire to be sexual beings, america will soon enter a golden age of boys sleeping with their mothers.

Never mind the fact that those ungrateful little brats will ask their mothers to make them macaroni and cheese after blasting a load all over their mother's face, but their mothers will happily oblige. Many psychologists believe that the overwhelming amount stress and expectations put on women and particularly mother's in this day and age will completely destroy these mothers, causing a swift and powerful upsing in child murders. I disagree. Women deserve to be enslaved to the expectations of society. After all, the only society that urges women to the pressures of the modern life is the female half of the population after all.

Men literally worship women for being who they are. Almost every guy would wish that their woman would stop working so much on their makeup. As long as the woman doesn't let herself completely go, a size 3 is perfectly fine. Who cares about women and makeup? All men want is to make money in the cosmetics industry. But, I digress.

As I was saying, the children of these mothers will have sex with their own mothers, because yummy mummies are by god the most sexual beings I have ever seen. I wouldn't mind having sex with some of them myself in my own personal sex dungeon. Yeah. This is going nowhere. Well, merry christmass. I hope we have a sane new year(and by sane I mean avoiding as much human contact as possible) playing online video games.

Now fuck off. I have a headache.

p.s. Sarah, I got your message. I'll be calling you right after I post this. Thanks for being so patient.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man you are truly out there in outerspace somewhere. This post makes me concerned with the things that actually go on in your head.