Some people say that America is the next rome, bemoaning the coming collapse of the nation and an ensuing dark age which shall envelope the globe. And of course, if the muslims take of the world, we are certainly destined for a period of shock and adaptation. The terrorists are certainly going to blow up the U.S. with a fucking barrage of nuclear bombs, and that'll be the end of us, right?
There are other reasons why people compare America to Rome: The moral laxity and looseness which caused their downfall, some say is the only element that caused it, and not the receding power of the emperor or the military uprisings, not the sacking of Rome by visigoths and the economic inflation.
I sit here and think about what these people say. Thinking is the most important, because it is not enough to listen. You have to ask questions and seek answers to those questions, then you must judge these answers and determine for yourself if what they say is true, false, or somewhere in between.
So let me say that there is no such thing as terrorists. This is because the label "terrorist" is a convientient term used by the U.S. government to indicate a completely evil "force" that is an eminent threat to our way of life. Certainly useful, it unites americans in the fear that this evil will wipe them out,blahblahblah...
Truth be told, their are groups of people with their own interests, religiously motivated or otherwise, and they want to spread their ideas and make social change. Period. Every non-profit organization is a group with it's own interests. Every government in the world represents a group interest.
The only difference between an American Group and a terrorist group is that a terrorist group is a bunch of muslims that have been branded "terrorists" in order to justify the stripping of civil rights. But Egoist, you might say, terrorists you violence! This is a stupid argument because your neighbor down the street can use violence. The U.S. has used violence in every single war it's ever fought in. Violence is not a qualifier for terrorism any more than running is a qualifier for a theif. It might be worthwhile to stop violence from these so called "terrorists", but not any more worthwhile than stopping violence as a whole.
Furthermore, if you use violence to stop violence, you are not stopping violence. You are only breeding enmity. Never mind the fact that for the previous century American and European powers completely abused and shit upon muslims and arabs. Just like we did to african americans. It only makes sense to believe that they are not only fed-up, but starting to get really angry.
Also, the use of violence to express their hatred of us is not the hall-mark of a terrorist, it's the hallmark of a people who don't know what to do. Violence doesn't work. Period. It causes hatred and enmity. Period.
As such, the role of a terrorist is simply somebody who hasn't realized how innefective violence really is. Either way, if we withdraw from Iraq, issue a formal apology to the arab world, and let them govern in their own way, they will be unable to justify their anger and retaliation. However, it is their responsibility to prevent a bloodbath in their region. If genocide occurs, then it is their responsibility. IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UNITED STATES TO FURTHER DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST. They don't want us there. It is their responsibility to create a good society, and we can only offer our non-intervening support.
The probability of a bloodbath is exceedingly large. I am aware of that. But here on earth it will just be business as usual, and is a necessary step towards letting this thing peeter itself out.
There is no such thing as a terrorist. Only Political Activists.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Mine is really big...
I'm sitting here trying to write a little something about false presenting, which a friend of mine defined in a rather simple way. He calls it, and this must have some reference to the fifties baby boomer culture, "keeping up with the joneses". The joneses are those unholy pricks that are the first to get HD/DVD/SOB/Vcast/Cable/ISP/ROTFLOL whatchamacallit installed in their house, and of course all the people of the neighboorhood have to get one too. The Joneses my be unholy pricks, but they deserve to be commended for keeping the economy running.
After all, if they had not bought the best and the most holy, then the sheep of the neighboorhood would not have cared. Sales would have dropped, stock market as well: recession.
People in the city I live in barely scrape by, month to month. Some of them buy lexus and pretend to be rich. I usually just ignore them, but on the off chance that I listen to my surroundings I hear the people talking behind their back. Usually it's snickers and laughs, and poking fun at the man who can not afford a lexus but buys it anyway. They must be really bored if they have nothing else to do.
oh fuck this, I honestly have nothing to say about people who buy lexuses to give the impression of wealth, because I have nothing to say to stupidity. Personally I couldn't care less if I was rich or poor, as long as I'm not shit on for scrubbing the toilet the wrong way. Hmm... in that case, I think I'd rather be rich. But if i am poor, I won't go fucking buying a fucking lexus, I'll buy books. Information, physics, mathematics, filesystems and maintenence. Maybe then I could learn enough to get some money and then be able to afford a lexus.
i'll say this, though. People with lexus must have small dicks. No, their not overcompensating, but a big dick would not fit under that dashboard. It's a niche market, which serves eunichs well. and with that, I sign off.
After all, if they had not bought the best and the most holy, then the sheep of the neighboorhood would not have cared. Sales would have dropped, stock market as well: recession.
People in the city I live in barely scrape by, month to month. Some of them buy lexus and pretend to be rich. I usually just ignore them, but on the off chance that I listen to my surroundings I hear the people talking behind their back. Usually it's snickers and laughs, and poking fun at the man who can not afford a lexus but buys it anyway. They must be really bored if they have nothing else to do.
oh fuck this, I honestly have nothing to say about people who buy lexuses to give the impression of wealth, because I have nothing to say to stupidity. Personally I couldn't care less if I was rich or poor, as long as I'm not shit on for scrubbing the toilet the wrong way. Hmm... in that case, I think I'd rather be rich. But if i am poor, I won't go fucking buying a fucking lexus, I'll buy books. Information, physics, mathematics, filesystems and maintenence. Maybe then I could learn enough to get some money and then be able to afford a lexus.
i'll say this, though. People with lexus must have small dicks. No, their not overcompensating, but a big dick would not fit under that dashboard. It's a niche market, which serves eunichs well. and with that, I sign off.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Please Go Away...
Have a headache, right now. My brain entered a deep seated neurosis in the past three hours, and I have come to identify myself with the holy divinity of Jesus Christ. Yes, that is correct, I am god.
Not really. Perhaps one day I really will perform a nietchziean leap and become insane. For now, though, I shall content myself with shooting kittens and strangling doves. I haven't quite graduated to molesting little girls, and I don't think I will anytime soon. Don't worry, I plan to be at top form by 2009, and the song "Don't let your children walk my way" will take on a whole new meaning.
Personally, child molesters are a forgotten part of society until they actually molest a child. There's nothing wrong with that. Parental outrage is certainly a god-given right of American Citizens. That might be why they took down that banner in San Antonio advertising a showing of the Vagina Monologues. Culture and art is not the strong point of the concerned parent.
Anyways, on the riveting subject of the "Yummy Mummy" phenomenon, I can't help but think that a mother who is trying to be both a mother to her child, and also retain full control over her sexual identify is going to truly fuck up those kids. The one defense america had against oedipal tendencies, for the past two centuries, has been the overwhelmingly ugliness and sagging breast of children's mothers. Now that many moms aspire to be sexual beings, america will soon enter a golden age of boys sleeping with their mothers.
Never mind the fact that those ungrateful little brats will ask their mothers to make them macaroni and cheese after blasting a load all over their mother's face, but their mothers will happily oblige. Many psychologists believe that the overwhelming amount stress and expectations put on women and particularly mother's in this day and age will completely destroy these mothers, causing a swift and powerful upsing in child murders. I disagree. Women deserve to be enslaved to the expectations of society. After all, the only society that urges women to the pressures of the modern life is the female half of the population after all.
Men literally worship women for being who they are. Almost every guy would wish that their woman would stop working so much on their makeup. As long as the woman doesn't let herself completely go, a size 3 is perfectly fine. Who cares about women and makeup? All men want is to make money in the cosmetics industry. But, I digress.
As I was saying, the children of these mothers will have sex with their own mothers, because yummy mummies are by god the most sexual beings I have ever seen. I wouldn't mind having sex with some of them myself in my own personal sex dungeon. Yeah. This is going nowhere. Well, merry christmass. I hope we have a sane new year(and by sane I mean avoiding as much human contact as possible) playing online video games.
Now fuck off. I have a headache.
p.s. Sarah, I got your message. I'll be calling you right after I post this. Thanks for being so patient.
Not really. Perhaps one day I really will perform a nietchziean leap and become insane. For now, though, I shall content myself with shooting kittens and strangling doves. I haven't quite graduated to molesting little girls, and I don't think I will anytime soon. Don't worry, I plan to be at top form by 2009, and the song "Don't let your children walk my way" will take on a whole new meaning.
Personally, child molesters are a forgotten part of society until they actually molest a child. There's nothing wrong with that. Parental outrage is certainly a god-given right of American Citizens. That might be why they took down that banner in San Antonio advertising a showing of the Vagina Monologues. Culture and art is not the strong point of the concerned parent.
Anyways, on the riveting subject of the "Yummy Mummy" phenomenon, I can't help but think that a mother who is trying to be both a mother to her child, and also retain full control over her sexual identify is going to truly fuck up those kids. The one defense america had against oedipal tendencies, for the past two centuries, has been the overwhelmingly ugliness and sagging breast of children's mothers. Now that many moms aspire to be sexual beings, america will soon enter a golden age of boys sleeping with their mothers.
Never mind the fact that those ungrateful little brats will ask their mothers to make them macaroni and cheese after blasting a load all over their mother's face, but their mothers will happily oblige. Many psychologists believe that the overwhelming amount stress and expectations put on women and particularly mother's in this day and age will completely destroy these mothers, causing a swift and powerful upsing in child murders. I disagree. Women deserve to be enslaved to the expectations of society. After all, the only society that urges women to the pressures of the modern life is the female half of the population after all.
Men literally worship women for being who they are. Almost every guy would wish that their woman would stop working so much on their makeup. As long as the woman doesn't let herself completely go, a size 3 is perfectly fine. Who cares about women and makeup? All men want is to make money in the cosmetics industry. But, I digress.
As I was saying, the children of these mothers will have sex with their own mothers, because yummy mummies are by god the most sexual beings I have ever seen. I wouldn't mind having sex with some of them myself in my own personal sex dungeon. Yeah. This is going nowhere. Well, merry christmass. I hope we have a sane new year(and by sane I mean avoiding as much human contact as possible) playing online video games.
Now fuck off. I have a headache.
p.s. Sarah, I got your message. I'll be calling you right after I post this. Thanks for being so patient.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Free Slave Labor
I received a text message from a good friend of mine, asking me to write about the issue of deporting slaves, er-illegal immigrants, back south of the border. It is a current issue, one which many americans are worried about, of course.
My own personal experience with illegal immigrants is limited; I've never even met one in person. And yet, it was one day. I was visiting relatives in el paso with my parents as a young child, and we were traveling in this great big ol' red van that housed my brother and two sisters as well, and we had a large tub of food and snacks and all the appropriate games for the long trip.l
Then, sometime in the afternoon as we we're on an El pasan highway, my mother bade us look across the border to mexico. Mexico? Never been there.
As I looked, I saw the endless miles of ramshackle, dilapidated housing, stretching for as far as the eye can see. It was quite a sight: The prosperity of the north, set directly opposed to the subservience of the south. No wonder Mexicans want to live here. Now, let's get one thing straight. Building a great wall of mexico will hardly have any negative affect on the United States Economy. The free trade system between Mexico and The states, as well as the Maquiladora(factory) system in the border towns of mexico has allowed the U.S. to move low wage jobs off U.S. property and into mexico, where the united states can pay workers less than $5 dollars a day. If you are unfamiliar with the system, stop watching CNN and read the economic history of North America, idiot.
Like I was saying, if illegal immigrants pour into the united states as they are doing, we will have to pay them more than what we do in mexico. The whole reason for the North American Free Trade Agreement was to cut costs, raise efficiency, and pay the laborer less. Almost free slave labor is the way to do it.
So what if they can't feed their families? That makes them poor, a statistic that the american republic will just ignore, right? Look at Uganda. The only people sticking up for these immigrants are Hispanic Americans, and even they do not want to be associated with them fully. The poor are always the oppressed, the shit upon masses of society. It's only natural, and easy to understand, why they would want to move over to the U.S. where they stand a chance.
But that's not a good idea. At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, most of the laborers in America were the downtrodden poor as well. The irish, italians, germans. They all worked in our factories, making 30 cents an hour, while the rich anglo-saxon owners of production got fat. So what happened? These proletariat masses did not violently rebel. They put their money together and started making group acquisitions of capital. That capital allowed them to get slightly more money, and they put it together again and made another acquisition of capital. With each acquisition, more immigrants were becoming part owners of capital, and as the economy grew, the material wealth of the industrial revolution slowly dispersed throughout the poor. The middle class soon rose from this downtrodden class.
You see, by leaving their homes in mexico, illegal immigrants are running away from the problem. Sure, they get food and money to feed their family, and personally I wouldn't mind making illegal immigrants respective citizens. But this devastates the land back home. It's a tougher journey, for sure, but mexico will not have a respected middle class so long as there is the distraction of moving to america to become part of the already entrentched middle class.
Of course, the great wall of mexico, if properly maintained and built, would make it much harder for mexicans to cross over to the other side. Maybe then they can organize and start building wealth of their own.
My own personal experience with illegal immigrants is limited; I've never even met one in person. And yet, it was one day. I was visiting relatives in el paso with my parents as a young child, and we were traveling in this great big ol' red van that housed my brother and two sisters as well, and we had a large tub of food and snacks and all the appropriate games for the long trip.l
Then, sometime in the afternoon as we we're on an El pasan highway, my mother bade us look across the border to mexico. Mexico? Never been there.
As I looked, I saw the endless miles of ramshackle, dilapidated housing, stretching for as far as the eye can see. It was quite a sight: The prosperity of the north, set directly opposed to the subservience of the south. No wonder Mexicans want to live here. Now, let's get one thing straight. Building a great wall of mexico will hardly have any negative affect on the United States Economy. The free trade system between Mexico and The states, as well as the Maquiladora(factory) system in the border towns of mexico has allowed the U.S. to move low wage jobs off U.S. property and into mexico, where the united states can pay workers less than $5 dollars a day. If you are unfamiliar with the system, stop watching CNN and read the economic history of North America, idiot.
Like I was saying, if illegal immigrants pour into the united states as they are doing, we will have to pay them more than what we do in mexico. The whole reason for the North American Free Trade Agreement was to cut costs, raise efficiency, and pay the laborer less. Almost free slave labor is the way to do it.
So what if they can't feed their families? That makes them poor, a statistic that the american republic will just ignore, right? Look at Uganda. The only people sticking up for these immigrants are Hispanic Americans, and even they do not want to be associated with them fully. The poor are always the oppressed, the shit upon masses of society. It's only natural, and easy to understand, why they would want to move over to the U.S. where they stand a chance.
But that's not a good idea. At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, most of the laborers in America were the downtrodden poor as well. The irish, italians, germans. They all worked in our factories, making 30 cents an hour, while the rich anglo-saxon owners of production got fat. So what happened? These proletariat masses did not violently rebel. They put their money together and started making group acquisitions of capital. That capital allowed them to get slightly more money, and they put it together again and made another acquisition of capital. With each acquisition, more immigrants were becoming part owners of capital, and as the economy grew, the material wealth of the industrial revolution slowly dispersed throughout the poor. The middle class soon rose from this downtrodden class.
You see, by leaving their homes in mexico, illegal immigrants are running away from the problem. Sure, they get food and money to feed their family, and personally I wouldn't mind making illegal immigrants respective citizens. But this devastates the land back home. It's a tougher journey, for sure, but mexico will not have a respected middle class so long as there is the distraction of moving to america to become part of the already entrentched middle class.
Of course, the great wall of mexico, if properly maintained and built, would make it much harder for mexicans to cross over to the other side. Maybe then they can organize and start building wealth of their own.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Stupid Fuckers playing Race Cards
I turned the knob on the stereo a bit louder, really straining my ears to hear what the tinny voices on NPR were saying. Apparently, the good reporters of NationalPublicRadio saw fit to report on the supposed vices of Hillary Clinton. Presumably, her alleged racism accused of her by the Barack Obama camps after comments toward Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream.
It seems that the clinton campaigns are facing renewed uncertainty in the African American populace, who seem torn by whether to vote for a black president, and for the Clinton campaign which has been exceptional to people of color since its inception.
Many of the swing voters are women, which makes more sense in the conflict than men.
There was something said, however, that amuses and disgusts me at the same time. In an interview with a black woman, the stupid bitch thought aloud about what was the cause of the most of her problems. "Most of my problems are because I am of color...", she said, trying to justify a reason for voting for barack obama. Heh.
I am sick and tired of people playing the race card, as if they wanted to continue the abuse and conflict that race has played in america all these years. And fyi, I don't give a fuck if people treat you different because of your skin color. Regrettable, yes, but racist? No. Furthermore, this bitch needs to stop whining about the problems she recieves from whites and start solving them.
There's something about the problems of race in this country that makes people think they can bitch and moan about racism, and yet do any african americans go out of their way to eat thanksgiving with their white friends? Of course. Plenty of them do, and I applaud them for it. These african americans are working to break down barriers, not like the bitch who is voting for a black man because her problems come from being black.
Everybody has problems. Being treated differently because you're black is a problem no different from being treated differently because your poor. And yet a lot of african americans continue to play the race card, working themselves into a frenzy of being offended because of some off the cuff remark senator clinton made. But if you're always trying to be offended, your keeping the stereotypes alive. Many of the black community continue to prize the value of blackness, distinct from whiteness. Bullshit. Little black kids that do well in school are teased by being called "white" by their peers. As if being uneducated and poor was part of the pride of being black.
I am in awe of the stupidity of this. just solve your problems like the rest of us without calling everyone racist. And no, I'm not white.
It seems that the clinton campaigns are facing renewed uncertainty in the African American populace, who seem torn by whether to vote for a black president, and for the Clinton campaign which has been exceptional to people of color since its inception.
Many of the swing voters are women, which makes more sense in the conflict than men.
There was something said, however, that amuses and disgusts me at the same time. In an interview with a black woman, the stupid bitch thought aloud about what was the cause of the most of her problems. "Most of my problems are because I am of color...", she said, trying to justify a reason for voting for barack obama. Heh.
I am sick and tired of people playing the race card, as if they wanted to continue the abuse and conflict that race has played in america all these years. And fyi, I don't give a fuck if people treat you different because of your skin color. Regrettable, yes, but racist? No. Furthermore, this bitch needs to stop whining about the problems she recieves from whites and start solving them.
There's something about the problems of race in this country that makes people think they can bitch and moan about racism, and yet do any african americans go out of their way to eat thanksgiving with their white friends? Of course. Plenty of them do, and I applaud them for it. These african americans are working to break down barriers, not like the bitch who is voting for a black man because her problems come from being black.
Everybody has problems. Being treated differently because you're black is a problem no different from being treated differently because your poor. And yet a lot of african americans continue to play the race card, working themselves into a frenzy of being offended because of some off the cuff remark senator clinton made. But if you're always trying to be offended, your keeping the stereotypes alive. Many of the black community continue to prize the value of blackness, distinct from whiteness. Bullshit. Little black kids that do well in school are teased by being called "white" by their peers. As if being uneducated and poor was part of the pride of being black.
I am in awe of the stupidity of this. just solve your problems like the rest of us without calling everyone racist. And no, I'm not white.
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